2014年7月7日 星期一

Short Story Challenge

This is a creation of the activity called "short story challenge" from the sims3 forum.

Click me to The Sms3 forum

When you click in the "Short Story Challenge", you will see the rules.

Click me to Short Story Challenge Page

The first person post some pictures, and the secondone have to write a story with those picture.
When the second person finished the story, he or she can post some pictures.
Then, anotherone have to make a story with pictures from the second person, and so on.
There are three pictures left from the last person called "Lalajadeeyes".

And I made a short story like that.

What? You don't know what is Grand Slam Sandwich?
Let me tell you!

Here is my turn~ take that!

If you want to join to us, please CLICK HERE.




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